Tournament Results

Since October 1993 Logistello took part in almost all international Othello tournaments with computer participation. Here is a list of these 25 tournaments' top-3 players:

Program #Rank(1-2-3) Author(s)
LOGISTELLO 18-6-0 M.Buro
HANNIBAL 4-3-0 L.Geoffroy & M.Piotte
KITTY/REV 2-3-6 I.Ðurðanovic
ECLIPSE 2-2-2 M.Giles & C.Springer
KEYANO 1-3-2 M.Brockington
SPEED 1-1-0 Ron Kroonenberg
STELL 1-0-0 D.Petrovski
BRUTUS 0-3-3 L.Geoffroy & M.Piotte
BUGS 0-1-1 J.C.Weill
SNAIL 0-1-1 F.Letouzey
POLYGON 0-1-0 A.Selby
REV 7.1 0-1-0 D.Parsons
AVENGER 0-1-0 Joost Buijs
FLIPPER 0-1-0 Charles Simmons
SPOCK 0-0-2 J.Delteil
OTHEL DU NORD 0-0-1 J.C.Delbarre
PEEWEE 0-0-1 A.Whinery
TURTLE 0-0-1 F.Letouzey
YINGYANG 0-0-1 Vince A. Sempronio

and Colin Springer (0-1-0)!

The standings were as follows (only the top participants are listed):
Tournament   Rank Playr/Prgr. Points  Architect.  Speed*
Paderborn I   1.  LOGISTELLO  12.5/14 SPARC10/M20   4  
1993          2.  KEYANO      9.5     SPARC10/M20   4  
              3.  REV         8       SPARC10/M20   4  
Waterloo      1.  STELL	      3.5/4   486DX/33      1  
1993          =   LOGISTELLO  3.5     SPARC10/M20   4  
              3.  BRUTUS      3       486DX2/66     2  
Waterloo      1.  LOGISTELLO  6.5/10  SPARC10/M20   4  
Final 1993    2.  KEYANO      5.5     SPARC10/M20   4  
              3.  REV         5       SPARC10/M20   4  
IOS Open      1.  REV	      4.5/5   SPARC10/M20   4  
1994          2.  LOGISTELLO  4	      SPARC10/M20   4  
              =   C.Springer  4       Human         ?  
Courchelettes 1.  LOGISTELLO  7/7     SPARC10/M20   4  
1994          2.  POLYGON     5       ACORN ARCHI.  1  
              =   ODN         5       486DX2/66     2  
IOS Computer  1.  LOGISTELLO  11/12   SPARC10/M20   4  
I 1994        2.  ECLIPSE     8       RS6000        6  
              3.  PEEWEE      7       PENTIUM/90    4  
Paderborn II  1.  LOGISTELLO  11/12   SPARC10/M20   4  
1994          =   ECLIPSE     11      SPARC10/M20   4  
              3.  KITTY       6.5     SPARC10/M20   4  
Waterloo      1.  LOGISTELLO  5.5/6   SPARC10/M51   6  
1994          2.  BRUTUS      3.5+1   486DX2/66     2  
              3.  ECLIPSE     4       RS6000        6  
IOS Computer  1.  LOGISTELLO  9.5/10  SPARC10/M51   6  
II 1994       2.  KITTY       6.5     SGI MIPS/150  7  
              =   REV 7.1     6.5     PENTIUM/66    3  
IOS Open I    1.  LOGISTELLO  7/7     SPARC10/M51   6 
1995          2.  I.D.& KITTY 6     H+SGI MIPS/150  7 
              3.  BUGS        4.5     SPARC10/M51   6 
IOS Open II   1.  LOGISTELLO  6/7     SPARC10/M51   6 
1995          2.  ECLIPSE     5       RS6000        6 
              =   BRUTUS      5       486DX4/100    3 
IOS Open III  1.  KEYANO      6.5/7   SGI MIPS/150  7 
1995          =   LOGISTELLO  6.5     SPARC10/M61   7 
              3.  ECLIPSE     5       RS6000        6 
Paderborn III 1.  LOGISTELLO  13/13   SPARC10/M51   6 
1995          2.  BUGS        9       SPARC10/M51   6 
              3.  KEYANO      8     8xSGI MIPS/150 56
IOS Open IV   1.  ECLIPSE     6/6     RS6000        6 
1995          2.  LOGISTELLO  4.5     SPARC10/M61   7 
              3.  I.D.& KITTY 4     H+SGI MIPS/150  7 

IOS Open I    1.  LOGISTELLO  6/7     SPARC10/M61   7 
1996          2.  KEYANO      5     8xSGI MIPS/150 56 
              =   FLIPPER     5       SPARC20       7 

Paris 1996    1.  KITTY       6.5/7   SGI MIPS/150  7
              2.  LOGISTELLO  5.5     SPARC10/M61   7
              3.  SPOCK       5       PENTIUM/90    4
              =   BRUTUS      5       486DX4/100    3

IOS Open II   1.  LOGISTELLO  7/7     SPARC10/M61   7 
1996          2.  BRUTUS      5       486DX4/100    3
              =   AVENGER     5            ?

IOS Open III  1.  LOGISTELLO  6/7     PENTIUM/133   7 
1996          =   SPEED       6            ?
              3.  I.D.& KITTY 5.5   H+SGI MIPS/150  7 

IOS Open IV   1.  HANNIBAL    6/7     PENTIUM/150   8 
1996          2.  SPEED       5       PENTIUM/120   7
              =   I.D.& KITTY 5      H+SPARC ULTRA 12 
             (4.  LOGISTELLO  4.5  PENTIUM-PRO/200 14

Paderborn IV  1.  LOGISTELLO 17.5/20 R10K/194      18
1996          2.  HANNIBAL   17     PENTIUM/166     9 
              3.  KITTY      13.5  SPARC-ULTRA/143 13
            (LOG won only due to a KEYANO endgame blunder)

IOS Open V    1.  HANNIBAL    7/7     PENTIUM/166   9 
1996          2.  LOGISTELLO  6      PP200 & P133  14/7
              3.  BRUTUS      4       Cyrix/150+    8
            (LOG won playing white against H right after 
             the tournament)

IOS Open I    1.  HANNIBAL    9.5/10  PENTIUM/166   9
1997          2.  LOGISTELLO  7       PP200        14
              =   SNAIL       7       SPARC-4/110   9

IOS Open II   1.  LOGISTELLO  10/12   PP200        14
1997          2.  HANNIBAL    9.5     PENTIUM/166   9
              3.  SNAIL       7       SPARC-4/110   9
              =   KEYANO      7    SPARC-ULTRA/143 13
            (KEYANO achieved two draws against HANNIBAL!)

IOS Open III  1.  HANNIBAL    11/12   PENTIUM/166   9
1997          2.  LOGISTELLO  10.5    ALPHA/500    23
              3.  YINGYANG    7       PP200        14
              =   TURTLE      7       ?            ?
            (two draws between H & L, L drew vs. Brutus)

Princeton I   1.  LOGISTELLO  22.0/22 ALPHA/500    23
1997          2.  HANNIBAL    19.0    K6/200       13
              3.  SPOCK       15.5    PENTIUM/233  13

*) In comparison with a 486DX/33 PC (rough estimate)

In the IOS Open IV (1995) Logistello lost a decisive game to ECLIPSE and can blame its operator for this who called it with an incomplete book in which several paths were not evaluated. Anyway, the result of an 12 game match held two weeks later was 7-5-0=79% in favour of Logistello.

On May 16th, 1996 a six-game match was scheduled between the sequential version of Keyano and Logistello. It was mutually aborted after three games and a score of 3-0 in favour of LOG. Keyano's evaluation function and its book need improvement ...

July '97: Tetsuya Nakajima vs. Logistello: 0-2

August '97: Takeshi Murakami vs. Logistello: 0-6

In the "Princeton I" computer Othello tournament played on IOS in October '97, Logistello won 22 games in a row.

GGS tournament result Dec-7-2002:

 6.0 ( 6  0  1)   piglet [0.5125]
 5.0 ( 5  0  2)   Caesar [0.5623]
 5.0 ( 5  0  2) Reindeer [0.5598]
 5.0 ( 5  0  2)    Mouse [0.5560]
 5.0 ( 5  0  2)   Pirate [0.5359]
 4.5 ( 4  1  2)     edax [0.5498]
 4.0 ( 4  0  3)   edax12 [0.4723]
 4.0 ( 4  0  3)   exodus [0.4699]
 3.5 ( 3  1  3)    ntest [0.5578]
 3.0 ( 3  0  4)      Fox [0.5204]
 3.0 ( 3  0  4) booklet+ [0.5145]
 3.0 ( 3  0  4)     hawk [0.5126]
 3.0 ( 3  0  4)   condor [0.4627]
 3.0 ( 3  0  4) pandroid [0.4182]
 2.0 ( 2  0  4) Saio2000 [0.5277]
 2.0 ( 2  0  4)  unicorn [0.4515]
 1.0 ( 1  0  6)  leaflet [0.4730]
 0.0 ( 0  0  7) pamphlet [0.3401]

January '98: Logistello retires after four years of successful tournament play. After winning all of the five major annual machine Othello tournaments, including the perfect score achieved in the "Princeton I" event, the time has come to move on and to hand over the torch to promising newer programs. Machine Othello has experienced a boost during the last five years due to the competition and open discussions between authors of the best programs. I hope that this tradition will continue in order to increase the programs' playing strength even further.

last updated on Dec/7/2002
to Logistello's homepage