Tetsuya Nakajima vs. Logistello: 0-2

at the "Hall of Champions"

July 31, 1997

Providence, RI

Matthew Ginsberg has invited good programs and human players of popular games to take part in the "Hall of Champions" which is organized along the AAAI-97 conference. Here, LOGISTELLO will meet Tetsuya Nakajima who just became the Japanese Othello Meijin. The two-game match will be played on the Internet Othello Server (telnet external.nj.nec.com 5000) beginning at 10:00 EDT on July, 31. Each player will have 30 minutes thinking time for each game. Commentary on the games will be provided by David Parsons.

Here are the transcripts of the games:
rated GAME: nakaji ( 30   0 120) vs. logtest ( 30   0 120)

-> ##

   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H
1 |49|50|28|25|26|27|60|58| 1
2 |17|30|23|24|22|29|56|57| 2
3 |18|14|20| 7| 5|32|11|37| 3
4 |16|13|12|()|##| 4|33|36| 4
5 |19|15| 3|##|()| 1|21|34| 5
6 |51|31| 6| 2| 9| 8|40|43| 6
7 |42|54|38|10|35|39|45|53| 7
8 |55|59|48|41|47|44|46|52| 8
   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

##:() - 25:39

rated GAME: logtest ( 30   0 120) vs. nakaji ( 30   0 120)

-> ##

   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H
1 |59|44|29|22|23|24|31|42| 1
2 |46|60|25|21|19|20|33|53| 2
3 |35|28|14|12| 2|13|26|18| 3
4 |45|38| 1|()|##| 7|17|15| 4
5 |36|52| 6|##|()| 3|10|16| 5
6 |47|27|40|11| 4| 5| 8|37| 6
7 |48|58|32|39|30| 9|41|54| 7
8 |57|56|49|43|34|50|51|55| 8
   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

##:() - 35:29

In the very exciting second game Logistello stayed in book till move 29 in a very close line. After another couple of moves the selective endgame search changed its mind several times and finally reported a narrow win for Logistello. Interesting are the X-square moves which were played in order to gain parity and mobility.

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