GGSA Homepage
GGSA is a graphical Java client for GGS - a Generic Game Server which
currently hosts the following board games: Othello, Amazons, Checkers,
Go, Hex, Chess, Dots+Boxes, Domineering, Ataxx, Snort, Phutball and
many variations of them.
A brief overview of GGS's design goals and GGS commands are given here.
Additional documentation can be found below.
We are looking for developers of additional GGS game services such as
backgammon, poker, bridge, etc.
GGSA is free software licensed under the GPL and comes without any
expressed or implied warranty. Please refer to the links below for
documentation, downloading, and troubleshooting. To get familiar with
GGS read the GGS How-To and GGS Intro.
Dec.19.2024: updated version of GGSA - compiles on newer Java versions. Thanks Bruno Causse!
Sept.4.2006: GGSA no longer exits when game window is closed.
Sept.1.2006: GGSA has been moved to the swing graphics toolkit and
restructured to simplify the addition of new service modules. Each
service module has now access to its own tab and the default service
can now be selected either in the menu or by clicking on a tab.
Old News
Make sure a recent JDK or JRE is installed on your machine (download
at GGSA requires version >= 1.5.
Create a new directory and put ggsa.jar in it.
Run java -jar ggsa.jar
GGSA can be customized in various ways
GGSA Files:
Updated GGSA source code (make should work) (unpack with unzip)
GGSA source code (unpack with tar xpofz)
Screenshot showing six games played simultaneously and the main GGSA window
featuring tabs for each service, talk contexts, and user lists:
Additional GGS documentation
All Service Commands
Service Variables
The Rating System
The Clock
Amazons rules - Amazons game types
Chess rules - Chess game types
Checkers rules - Checkers game types
Dots+Boxes rules - Dots+Boxes game types
Othello rules - Othello game types
Domineering rules - Domineering game types
Ataxx rules - Ataxx game types
Generic Game Format (GGF)
GGS Documentation
GGS Intro
Programs connected to GGS
Development Contact
Please contact me if you have questions about GGSA
or suggestions on how to improve it.
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