2006 ORTS RTS Game AI Competition

2006 ORTS RTS Game AI Competition

Welcome to the ORTS competition page. We are organizing an RTS game AI competition to be held prior to AIIDE 2006 in June 2006. On this page you can find descriptions of the game categories, the tournament rules, and a brief ORTS overview. We encourage students, AI researchers, and hobbyists interested in real-time strategy games to get familiar with the ORTS project and to participate in this challenging and fun event. Everybody is welcome - there is no entry fee and attending the conference is not required for participation.


29.June.2006: tournament entry source code available (see below)
26.June.2006: tournament report presented at AIIDE-2006 available (see below)
19.June.2006: tournament 3 finished. Congratulations UMich!
18.June.2006: tournament 2 finished, uofa2 only lost 10 matches in total out of 400! Congratulations to UMaas for getting into 2nd place and earning the money prize. tournament 3 started
17.June.2006: tournament 1 finished, congratulations to UMich! tournament 2 started ...
16.June.2006: the competition is on!
2.June.2006: status update
19.May.2006: more detailed mining action description for games 1 and 3.
13.May.2006: added a getting-started document.
11.May.2006: game updates: better scoring schemes, adjusted unit stats, updated time line
27.Apr.2006: updated competition computer specs: see below
14.Apr.2006: updated game rules and documentation.
9.Feb.2006: game2: bases are now placed symmetrically for improved fairness
3.Feb.2006: updated game descriptions, completed terrain generation code, added screenshots

(see also ORTS news here)

Competition Results

Just in time the tournament manager software has been finished. The competition games are played on 31 ugrad lab computers.

Tournament report presented at AIIDE-2006

Entry Source Code

uofa 1,2,3 + umaas2 (~53MB)
umich 1,2,3 (~267MB)
creed1 (~800KB)
brzo1 (~1MB)

Getting Started

Overview [PDF]
Download and Installation
ORTS client documentation you can find in orts3/misc/doc/client-code.
A Sample AI Client is provided in directory orts3/apps/sampleai.
Tournament related files are located in directory orts3/tournament

Status (2. June 2006)

Seven authors/groups have registered for the competition. We are currently setting up the tournament environment. The plan is to give each contestant access to an account on a UofA computer to install and test their software. Please take note that the tournament computers are not fast (AMD Athlon XP 1.5GHz with 512MB RAM running Linux kernel 2.4.31 and gcc 3.3.4). SDL and boost have been installed and the ORTS server compiles. The tournament director software assumes that tournament entries are called game1, game2, and game3 respectively. Furthermore, it is important that the programs recognize GameStateModule command line options - such as -host, -port, and -id - and that programs exit when a game is over or the connection to the server is broken. Please test your software extensively! More later ...

Time Line

Tentative hardware/software available to each entry: AMD XP 1800+ 32 bit CPU at 1.54GHz, 512MB RAM, GNU/Linux 2.4.31, gcc 3.3.4

README : tournament directory files, ORTS overview
rules : tournament rules
game1 : describes game category 1 "gathering resources"
game2 : describes game category 2 "tank combat"
game3 : describes game category 3 "a real RTS game"

Some slides on RTS game AI research and the competition (for game details please read game1,game2,game3)

Initial proposal

If you have questions about the tournament please post them to the ORTS sourceforge help forum


Game 1

2d server view [big red circles: minerals, small red circles: sheep, green circles: workers, square: control center]

3d ortsg view

Game 2

2d server view [red/green circles: tanks, blue circles: sheep, squares: control centers]

3d ortsg view

Game 3

2d server view [red/green circles: workers, big blue circles: minerals, small blue circles: sheep, squares: control centers]

3d ortsg view

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