#!/bin/sh cd <GGSA.jar-direcory> java ggs.ggsa.main.GGSA \ "dbg_0%\ ho_bodo1.cs.ualberta.ca%\ po_5000%\ lo_<USERID>%\ pa_<PASSWD>%\ sv_Othello:Skat:Amazons:Checkers:Chess:Go:Hex:DotsAndBoxes:Domineering:Ataxx%\ ge_800_800_20_20%\ cm_who\ $1"where you need to replace <GGSA.jar-directory>, <USERID>, and <PASSWD> with your values. Here is a more sophisticated script.
cd <GGSA.jar-direcory> set OPT=lo_<USERID>%%pa_<PASSWD>%%sv_Othello:Skat:Amazons:Checkers:Chess:Go:Hex:DotsAndBoxes:Domineering:Ataxx java ggs.ggsa.main.GGSA %OPT%
Syntax | Semantics | Example |
ho_<string> | connect to host <string> | ho_bodo1.cs.ualberta.ca |
po_<integer> | connect to port <integer> | po_5000 |
lo_<string> | login as <string> | lo_foo |
pa_<string> | use password <string> | pa_foopw |
sv_<string> | list of used services | sv_Othello:Amazons:Checkers:Chess:Go |
cm_<string> | issue initial commands separated by ';', replacements: '_' -> ' ', "\_" -> '_', "\\" -> '\', | cm_tell_.chat_hi_all;who |
ge_<geometry> | main window geometry (width_height_xl_yt) | ge_300_600_0_0 |
rge_<geometry> | match request popup window geometry | rge_320_150_0_0 |
bf_<string> | beep sound file | bf_/data/audio/drip.au |
ulw_<integer> | user list width (pts) | ulw_90 |
tph_<integer> | talk panel height (pts) | tph_400 |
fs_<integer> | font size (pts) | fs_12 |
cfs_<integer> | clock font size (pts) | cfs_14 |
bfs_<integer> | button font size (pts) | bfs_14 |
dbg_<integer> | debug mode if != 0 | dbg_1 |
BGS.ge1_<geometry> | board window geometry 1 | BGS.ge1_550_570_0_0 |
BGS.ge2_<geometry> | board window geometry 2 | BGS.ge2_710_770_0_0 |
BGS.ge3_<geometry> | board window geometry 3 (used for synchro games) | BGS.ge3_408_460_0_0 |
BGS.rge_<geometry> | match request window geometry | BGS.rge_400_400_0_0 |
BGS.ipw_<integer> | info panel width (pts) | BGS.ipw_150 |
BGS.tph_<integer> | talk panel height (pts) | BGS.tph_200 |
BGS.gc_<integer> | grid color (pts) | BGS.gc_#000000 |
<S>.ge1_<geometry> | board window geometry 1 | default BGS.ge1 |
<S>.ge2_<geometry> | board window geometry 2 | default BGS.ge2 |
<S>.ge3_<geometry> | board window geometry 3 (used for synchro games) | default BGS.ge3 |
<S>.ipw_<integer> | info panel width (pts) | default BGS.ipw |
<S>.tph_<integer> | talk panel height (pts) | default BGS.tph |
<S>.gc_<boolean> | grid color | os.gc_#000000 |
<S>.mo_<boolean> | show moves | ams.mo_0 |
<S>.la_<boolean> | show last move | os.la_1 |
<S>.cm_<string> | initial commands separated by ; | os.cm_open_20 |
os.es0_<color> | empty square color (x+y=0 mod 2) |
os.es1_<color> | empty square color (x+y=1 mod 2); usually = es0 |
os.aes0_<color> | empty square color in anti games (x+y=0 mod 2) |
os.aes1_<color> | empty square color in anti games (x+y=1 mod 2); usually = aes0 |
ams.es0_<color> | empty square color (x+y=0 mod 2) |
ams.es1_<color> | empty square color (x+y=1 mod 2) |
ams.hs_<color> | hit square color |
cks.es0_<color> | empty square color (x+y=0 mod 2) |
cks.es1_<color> | empty square color (x+y=1 mod 2) |
cs.es0_<color> | empty square color (x+y=0 mod 2) |
cs.es1_<color> | empty square color (x+y=1 mod 2) |
cs.ms_<color> | move square color |
cs.lms_<color> | last move square color |
cs.pt_<string> | piece image path template (#=size, %=piece prefix), e.g. "/data/images/chess/#/%d#.gif" |
cs.ps_<string> | piece sizes, e.g. "21,25,29,33,37,45,58,80,108,129" |
go.es0_<color> | board background color (x+y=0 mod 2) |
go.es1_<color> | board background color (x+y=1 mod 2) |
go.lms_<color> | last move square color |
hex.es0_<color> | board background color |
db.es0_<color> | board background color |
db.lms_<color> | last move square color |
dm.es0_<color> | empty square color (parity 0) |
dm.es1_<color> | empty square color (parity 1) |
dm.aes0_<color> | empty square color in anti games (parity 0) |
dm.aes1_<color> | empty square color in anti games (parity 1) |
ax.es0_<color> | empty square color (parity 0) |
ax.es1_<color> | empty square color (parity 1) |
ax.bs_<color> | blocked square color (parity 1) |