CMPUT 350 Hardware/Software Requirements

In the labs you will solve C++ programming problems in a UNIX programming environment resembling the one installed in the UNIX labs (CSC 153/159, computers and

Also, in the course project you will develop StarCraft 2 agents in C++ using the SC2 API

To work on programming problems at home you need:

To setup above software environment there are a few options:

Important: Submitted lab and assignment solutions will be evaluated on lab computers. This means that your programs can only contain standard C++14 and OpenGL code. For a final test - if you are not using X2Go - you should copy your source code to a lab computer using scp, log in using ssh, and compile and run your code to ensure there are no errors or warnings, and that it actually works - like so:

      me=my-ccid@u???  # e.g.
      scp test.cpp $me:
      ssh -X $me
      g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++14 test.cpp

Note the -X parameter which enables X11 forwarding. It allows the remote application to open a window on your end - which will become important in the OpenGL labs at the end of the course. To test your XWindow setup run xeyes on Alternatively, you can also test your programs in your X2Go environment, which you installed prior to lab B0 ...