SkatGUI Table Window Guide
Yes, you are right - the window is pretty crowded. This is because it
serves two purposes: the upper half is for playing and the lower half
for chatting - and the good thing is: after the game is finished you
can discuss it while having the entire game history in front of you:
the original skat, discarded cards, trick history, and hands prior to
each trick!
Controls Overview
Game Play Overview
Noob Mode Overview
The mode the table window is currently in is indicated beneath the
bidding buttons.
- Playing: a game is underway. The player to move is indicated by a
blue or red panel background. If it's red, it's your turn. You'll
see your clock ticking. The hand panel titles provides information
about the bidding values, the declared game, and whether players
have resigned.
- Observing: you are observing a game. The player to move is
indicated by a blue panel background.
- History: the entire game history is displayed in the trick
panel. You can click on the skat, discarded cards, tricks and hand
panels to display information prior to that trick in the view of
that particular player.
Top right:
- Show Cards: The declarer can show his
cards to the defenders to speed up the game. Unlike in
over-the-table skat, the declarer is not claiming to get all
remaining tricks! On ISS the game proceeds normally.
- Give Up: As declarer, you choose
to give the remaining tricks to the defenders (in case you got more
than 60 card points already, for example), or - in null games - you
resign. As defender, you need your partner to also shortcut the
game, in which case the remaining tricks go to the declarer, or - in
null games - the declarer wins. If the declarer concedes the game
during the first trick, there is no schneider/schwarz penalty.
Contract Panel:
- Grand: choose grand game / arrange hands accordingly. Jacks are
trump (base value 24)
: choose clubs game / arrange hands accordingly. Jacks +
clubs are trump (base value 12)
: choose spades game / arrange hands accordingly. Jacks +
spades are trump (base value 11)
: choose hearts game / arrange hands accordingly. Jacks +
hearts are trump (base value 10).
: choose diamonds game / arrange hands accordingly. Jacks +
diamonds are trump (base value 9).
[Card ranks in trump games
are: A (11 pts), 10 (10 pts), K (4 pts), Q (3 pts), 987 (0 pts);
Jacks (2 pts) are the highest trumps; their order (highest to lowest) is
; in order to win the
declarer needs at least 61 card points]
- Null: choose a null game / arrange cards accordingly. There is no
trump in null games, and the declarer loses instantly after making
one trick. Card ranks: A K Q J 10 9 8 7. Bidding values: 23, 35
(hand), 45 (ouvert), 59 (ouvert hand)
- Ouvert: declarer reveals hand before first card is played. In
trump contracts, ouvert implies hand and schwarz announced (see below).
- Hand: declarer does not pick up the skat
- Schneider: declarer announces
schneider, meaning he thinks the opponents get at most 30 card
points. Declarer loses if defenders get more than 30 points.
- Schwarz: declarer announces schnwarz,
meaning he thinks the opponents get no tricks. Declarer loses if
defenders get a trick.
- Declare: declarer submits chosen contract to the server
- Bidding (Yes/Pass/Bid): when bidding, you decide to raise the bid
to the next number or to pass, meaning you don't want to go any higher. When
answering the bid, you decide whether you hold the bid (Yes) or not (Pass).
Chat Panel:
- Noob: toggles trick panel from regular view (trick in the
middle, last trick at the left hand side) to Noob mode, which shows
you the entire game history including accumulated card points and
cards still in the game. Use with caution - this feature will make
you lazy.
- Invite: sends invitations to the
players you selected in the main window with left/right click. You
can also invite people by typing @invite playername in lower left input
line followed by the enter key.
- 34: toggles the number of players
at the table between 3 and 4. If all players set this flag, the
table size will change.
- Talk: toggles your game talk flag. If all players set their
flag, talk during the game is permitted.
- Ready: toggles your ready status. When all players are ready, a
new game begins.
- Leave: leave table.
- +: increase window size.
- --: decrease window size.
- Help: fires up a browser showing
this page.
- SMW: show main window. Turns orange
if someone talks to you, or yellow if somebody speaks in the lobby.
- Pick Up Skat: after winning the auction the declarer wants to see
the skat cards. The game then is no longer a hand game.
- After picking up the skat the declarer chooses two cards to
discard. Clicking on cards toggles their status. The two raised
cards will be discarded after choosing the contract and pushing the
declare button.
- In hand games the declarer chooses the contract and submits it by
pushing the declare button.
Result Table Columns
- Player: the player's name. [.] indicates a vacant spot at the
table. [name] means the player with that name has left. He can still
return to the table to continue the series. If a new player arrives,
a new series begins.
- Lang.: Languages the player speaks
(E=english, D=german, F=french, S=spanish, C=czech, P=polish)
- IP: when symbols other than . appear in this column, this
indicates that players are sharing the same IP (internet protocoll)
address. This COULD mean that the players are the same
persons. However, this could also mean that players are using the
same gateway, or that two or three programs are running on the same
computer (hopefully not exchanging card information ...)
- Pos.: player's game position (FH,MH,RH)
- Wins: number of wins of this player in the current series
- Losses: number of losses
- Prev.: score of previous game
- Total: total score so far
- 34: X indicates that the player wishes
to change the table size
- T: X indicates that the player likes
to be able to talk while playing
- R: X indicates that the player is ready for the next game
SkatGUI (c) 2007 Michael Buro, Jeff Long, Jan Schäfer,
lincensed under GPLv3
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