Welcome to the Skat Game App

[ Deutsche Version ]

Skat Game is an app for playing Skat online with other players or Skat programs. Currently XSkat (a fast but weak program) and the much stronger "Muppets" kermit, zoot, and theCount are connected and ready to play with beginners and experts alike.

Skat is a popular 3-player trick based card game. Before using Skat Game you are encouraged to make yourself familiar with the game rules (see links below).

Skat Game requires internet connectivity. For fluid play the ping value reported on the launch screen should be less than 300.

Skat Game was written by Michael Buro in 2015-2016. Please send bug reports to this email address.


On Android devices, Skat Game can be downloaded from Google's app store.

For running Skat Game on a PC Java needs to be installed and SkatGame.jar be downloaded and stored on the desktop. A double click on the icon will then start the application.

The JAR file accepts a few parameters:

      -l de (German)  -l en (English)
      -x number -y number (left/top window coordinates)
      -w number -h number (window width and height)

These parameters can be passed to java by running it in a batch file like so:

      java -jar SkatGame.jar -w 1024 -h 600

Android Keyboard Issue

When using certain keyboards with word completion inputs are not immediately shown in input fields. As a workaround please use the Google keyboard.

Appstore Link




Skat Game should support more languages, such as Polish, French, Czech, und Spanish.

For this I need help. Here are two JSON files for German which shouldn't be too hard to translate to other languages by fluent volunteers!

i18n-de-1.json i18n-de-2.json (store files using a right-click)

Some Skat Resources

Last modified on 07/15/2024 23:39:44 MST. Established May/22/2016